Donald Miller spoke at our old church today. We obviously went, the proof in the picture. I have read every book of his. I hold Blue Like Jazz in the honorable position of being my favorite all time book. No it isn't the deepest of theology, it's light and funny but somehow in the light and funny there is great depth and humility if you'll look deep you see it. The book moves me, like music. When I turned the last page I was deeply sad and felt like I was leaving the dance floor.
The last Miller book I read was A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It is a book about story. I think I blogged about it previously. Miller covers the content of story: a character; a conflict; and a challenge to overcome. If you think about your favorite movie, no doubt it would have these three elements. Our lives are greater stories than we see on the big screen...or they could be, should be. If you turned over the blockbuster cover to your life what would the narrative say?
All this said about Miller and his books, you can imagine my excitement.
We arrived at church almost 30 minutes early. While we were waiting for the first service to end he came out and I nearly tackled him! LOL! This is a horrible picture of me (The glare from the light made me look like I have two noses:() BUT it is my moment with Miller. My moment where I got to tell him how much I enjoy his books and I was privileged to introduce my children to him, telling him some of our story. He was most gracious to us all. He told the kids "I'll see you guys some day on a magazine or in a movie." Referring to the obvious beauty of my kids.
The message he delivered today was beautiful. If interested you can hear it at:
After the service we went out for Thai food. We declared it Donald Miller day! The kids enjoyed his message as well. As we ate our food we discussed our family and our story, the one we have already written and the chapters that lie ahead...I'm itching to keep writing a good story.
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