"How can there be too many children? It's like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The difference a year makes

One year ago yesterday Grace and Manny came home! Today I am reflecting on this past year together. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always been worth it.
One year ago....
They had no running water
They had no change of clothes
They had no bed save a palate on the the floor
They had no parents
They went without food often
They had no tv
They had no computer
They spoke no English
They had no one to tuck them in at night
Manny did not know Christ Jesus
Grace lived in fear

They are now living with all their basic needs met. They are loved. They are thriving. Manny knows the Lord. Little by little Grace is grasping the meaning of her name and learning to live.
I am thankful for the difference this year has made, in their lives and mine.


We Are Family said...

Praise the Lord!

Amy said...

Thank you for doing what you do and knowing why you do it. :) BEAUTIFUL FAMILY- takes my breath away!!!