Many of you have been asking where we are in the process this time. ;0 We need only a couple of documents to finish our home study. Hopefully that will be finished next week. We could complete our dossier at the same time, but we don't yet have the money to send it in. Please pray for us to come up with the money we need to bring our children home. This process is different than our other two. We have met our to be children. We have pictures and videos of our time together. They are biologically related to two of our children. They are so much a part of our thoughts and plans and dreams. I just want to get them here and love on them. I want them to have a Mom and Dad. I also want the stress of this process to go away. I've been meditating on scriptures about worry. I know God will provide, he always provides, but I want him to provide NOW. :-
I'll added a few pictures just for fun. My kids are so dang cute, I can't help but share.