"How can there be too many children? It's like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Last week we enjoyed a family vacation at St George Island. It was a short 12 hour drive in a 15 passenger van:-) We spent the week soaking up the water and the rays with my parents, my in-laws and my brothers family. Grace and Manny got to experience the beach for the first time. We also celebrated Mercy's birthday...with a lot of chocolate!


Kimmie said...

Hey Lisa;

Simenesh wants to chat with your daughter(S.)...is it possible for you to email me your phone number and snail mail address so they can write?
kimmie28 (at sign) gmail.com

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

Chantelle said...

Happy belated birthday to Mercy.

Kimberly said...

What a great pictures of Manny! :)

Kimmie said...

Hey...Lisa...how was your group tonight.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on *the book.*

Can't wait to hear more.
