"How can there be too many children? It's like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bonded By Love

The benefit dinner was a success. Noah and Mercy helped. The little blond is Mercy's "best friend" Josie. Whose Mom is a wonderful friend to me. We raised 1300.00 and still have some money coming our way from people who couldn't make it. Rebecca Maas, who's blog is on the side bar, and Kristi Smith, both told the stories of thier adoption(s). A very moving night.


KelseyChristine said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures!

Rebecca said...

I have been trying to email you and it won't go through. Did you change your email?

Carole Turner said...

Beautiful girls!! I really like your blog design..reading it for the first time, very nice. God bless.