"How can there be too many children? It's like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Not my timing

Wanted to share my frustration with the process this time. We began our homestudy in March. It is still not finalized. I am pointing no fingers as I believe no ONE is to blame. I set goals for this process. My goal was to have all paperwork done by May 1st. OK, it is quick approaching July. See my frustration? Our homestudy has been reviewed, now we are waiting on it to be corrected. At that point, we can have our dossier paperwork reviewed. (I have had all these documents finished for weeks.) So honestly, instead on May 1st, it will probably be the middle of July before this is finsihed! Ryan is not as discouraged by this as I am, he says, "We don't have the money to complete this right now anyway, and it in Gods timing." I didn't think I had a problem with Gods timing. Many of the ladies I know finished all their paperwork in a month. It is hard for me not to compare myself with them, but I know HE is in control and comparison is a work of the enemy. So I wasn't working on their timing, I thought I was working on his, when all along, I've been working on MY timing! lol. Funny how we deceive ourselves.
My benefit dinner has been changed from July 31st to August 1st. Hope you all will be there.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14


Kimberly said...

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Verses 18 and following were brought to mind when we were in the holding pattern just a few months ago now - adoption birth pains I called them. I empathize and continue to admire your faithful journey of caring for orphans. Love you and look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks!

Melodie Monberg said...


I found your blog via "A Bushel and a Peck." I love the posts below on Francis Chan. WOW!

Take heart with your home study. Our process took almost 6 months and I was beside myself. We have been waiting 11 months since our dossier arrived in Ethiopia and I am now waiting again...for a referral any day.

It will come. It helps to complain and grumble. I've certainly done my share. Let it all out sister! You'll feel better and we've ALL been there!


Signe said...

Hello, I just stumbled onto your blog. You have my very favorite Mother Theresa quote on your header.

We are waiting for our updated homestudy as well. It is tough, but God is faithful and His timing is absolutely perfect. We had some delays last time, but it worked out in wonderful ways. We got to know more about our son, and our family had more time to adjust. Hang in there, it will all happen.

Lori said...

In the same boat, baby! But - like your hubby - I am patient because I know the $$$ is not there....YET!
Love you,