"How can there be too many children? It's like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My thoughts

What I'm thinking about while I wait:
Do they know we are coming?
Are they interested in having parents or only coming to America?
Do they know we already love them?
Are they evangelical or orthodox?
Can I hold my teenage daughter? Will she want me to?
Will my new son get lost in the mix of the other boys? Or do I have eyes to SEE him?
Will my daughter be excited to go to the Hilton to have her hair done?
Will she like the way I look?
Can I lose 20 pounds and grow my hair out before the trip?
Is there going to be enough money to pay for the trip?
Will anyone come to my benefit dinner?
Why is it taking so long?
Will they be ok with getting new names?
What will those names be?
Will I ever get to be a stay at home Mom?
Will people stop asking if we are finished?

I could go on and on with what goes thru my mind when I think of my new children. Please remember us in prayer. Thank you for all those prayers already said.

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